Has Snapchat reached its best potential?

Unlock the Butterflies Lens On Snapchat

Snapchat is a mega social media app that has its own way of working. It is not as famous as Meta’s Facebook, but the audience base that they have is good enough for it to called one of the leading social media apps in the market. And it is not like the app came just three to four years ago, it has been there for a long time and does have a huge user base. But rise that TikTok saw which came much later, it is not at all the case with unlock the butterflies lens on snapchat.

Like WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube on most phones where social media platforms are used, the same would not the case with an app like Snapchat. Hence, it seems that the app does not get something that the masses are looking for. In order to see the biggest boom possible, it is better to send the app to the masses where they can get the best outcomes. People do not know how to unlock the butterfly lens on Snapchat and forget about the other features that the app has.

What is Snapchat?

Snapchat is an app that is part of a mega social media group. It founded on 8 July 2011. The has been in one of the top seven all over the world mostly. It allows a person to share stories, create snaps, and even text with knows, and having the option to follow others makes it a proper social media app. It has the vibe of youth and hence, the younger generation uses the app more all over the world than others. The app is available in 37 languages. And it has a global appeal that makes the brand worth billions of USD. 

Why it is not that famous?

Even in youth, there is not over 70 percent of them who use the Snapchat. And then for older people, this does not seem to be an option at all as they do use Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms like YouTube and WhatsApp more. It feels that they did not add Snapchat to a level where it can give something good to them in return. Hence, it is possible to say that not being an app for all generations can seen as the key reason behind the app not being that famous and in demand.


Snapchat is a great app and it is one of the leading social media apps. But it is also true that the rise they took in the Western world was not able to take it to the level ahead. And hence, it created many lacunas that become hard to fill. So they have to come something different that can really make an impact and take things ahead for the good. This is what shows how Snapchat needs to work hard to shine for example in a nation like India, where it is famous but not that much.

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